24-hour hotline:
indicated on the insurance card
Call 02-239-2840
During business hours
08.30 - 16.30
The company can confirm the rights of the insured to claim for the coverage from the insured’s name, surname and ID card number. However, the hospital can contact Hotline 02-660-1221 any time when any information cannot be found.
If there is not any exception, the hospital will provide the right to the insured immediately. In the case of inpatient (IPD), the hospital staff will contact the company to provide medical care and treatment every day.
After the treatment, patients are not subject to any expenses if the medical expenses do not exceed the coverage limit provided by the company. Yet, if there is an excess beyond the Protection Eligibility or any outside the coverage, the hospital will notify the insured to pay the excess immediately.
Dhipaya Care Card
PA Dhipaya Care Card
KTB Shop Smart Peal
KTB Shop Smart Palladium
GSB Debit Smart Care
GSB Debit Smart Life
Mobile Application TIPInsure
For further information, please contact the hotline number shown on the card 24 hours a day.
For the Individual Insurance
insured have made the insurance through an agency (Group Insurance.)
Documents required to provide to the Personal Health and Accident Claims Department