Basic Coverage
Fire, Lightning strike (including electrical device damaged due to short circuit) Explosion, Vehicle damage, water damage (exclude flood) ,aircraft damage   Actual amount but not exceed sum insured
Natural Disaster (Storm, Flood, Earthquake , Volcanic Eruption, Undersea wave or Tsunami, Hail) All damage combine together not exceed 20,000 Baht annuanlly
Temporary residential rent  Not exceed 1,000 Baht daily and maximum coverage not exceed
100,000 Baht
Power outage coverage 1,000 Baht every 3 hours, 10,000 Baht per incident
Maximum up to 50,000 Baht 
Additional Coverage
*Flood(** waiting period 30 day) (10% deductible) ***10 % of sum insured
maximum at 300,000 Baht annually
Storm, Hail, Earthquake, Undersea wave, or Tsunami  10 % of sum insure / peril
Thievery 10 % of sum insure / annually
Third party liabilities 10 % of sum insure / annually
Damage to electrical device (for the one that start fire) 5 % of sum insure / annually
propping up, demolishing, and transportation of the wreckage fee 10 % of sum insure / annually
Cover for artistry not exceed 10,000 baht / piece
and not exceed 100,000 Baht / time and year
Cover for decoration tree not exceed 10,000 baht / piece
and not exceed 100,000 Baht / time and year


* Please check the area that you live will cover by flood or not

** Please check the waiting period fo the coverage

*** Please check the maximum coverage of flood coverage with company  


Insurance premium with flood coverage
(including tax and vat) (Baht)

Sum insure Coverage period
1  Year 2  Year 3  Year
500,000 698.71 1221.94 1746.24
1,000,000 1,397.42 2,444.95 3,491.41
1,500,000 2,095.06 3,665.82 5,237.65
2,000,000 2,793.77 4,888.83 6,982.82
2,500,000 3,491.41 6,109.70 8,729.06
3,000,000 4,190.12 7,332.71 10,474.23
3,500,000 4,888.83 8,553.58 12,220.47
5,000,000 6,982.82 12,220.47 17,457.05
10,000,000 13,965.64 24,439.87 34,914.10

Insurance premium without flood coverage
(including tax and vat) (Baht)

Sum insure Coverage period
1  Year 2  Year 3  Year
500,000 645.21 1,033.62 1,477.67
1,000,000 1,182.35 2,068.31 2,954.27
1,500,000 1,772.99 3,101.93 4,431.94
2,000,000 2,363.63 4,136.62 5,908.54
2,500,000 2,954.27 5,170.24 7,386.21
3,000,000 3,545.98 6,204.93 8,862.81
3,500,000 4,136.62 7,237.48 10,340.48
5,000,000 5,908.54 10,340.48 14,771.35
10,000,000 11,817.08 20,679.89 29,542.70



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